EuroLab-4-HPC launches its Long-Term HPC Vision

29 September 2017

The Eurolab-4-HPC project has recently published its Long-Term vision on HPC from 2022 to 2030

BSC Senior Researcher Paul Carpenter is the main editor of the report together with Theo Ungerer of the University of Augsburg (Germany)

BSC Senior Researcher Paul Carpenter is editor and co-author of the recently published EuroLab-4-HPC Long-Term vision on HPC. The document comprises a long-term roadmap from 2022 to 2030 for High-Performance Computing (HPC), with the objective of providing a long-term perspective of future computing and its influence on HPC hardware and software.

The document foresees radical changes across the whole stack, covering applications, programming environment, system software, system architecture and hardware. It also analyses upcoming trends in Deep Neural Networks (DNN), data analytics complementing simulation and cloud-computing/warehouse-scale computers. Since making CMOS integrated circuits smaller is increasingly difficult, we are witnessing an explosion in new technologies and system architectures. Manual code optimisation will become increasingly uneconomic and time consuming, and will soon exceed the abilities of even the best human programmers.

“BSC Computer Science technologies, including OmpSs, COMPSs, MUSA, Aloja and the BSC performance tools address many of the issues highlighted in the report,” says Paul Carpenter. “BSC is also a pioneer in projects such as Mont-Blanc, EuroEXA and DEEP-EST that have a strong co-design component, another aspect emphasised in the report.” With its Computer Sciences, Operations, Earth Science, Life Sciences and Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) departments, BSC has expertise across the full HPC spectrum.

More information:

Download the EuroLab-4-HPC Long-Term Vision on HPC

About EuroLab-4-HPC

EuroLab-4-HPC is a two-year Horizon 2020 funded project with the bold commitment to build the foundation for a European Research Center of Excellence in High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems. EuroLab-4-HPC has the bold overall goal to join forces among excellent research institutions in HPC system across the system stack towards a long-term research agenda that drives innovation and education in HPC systems. More information: