Renfe and BSC collaborate to implement AI to improve customer service
BSC coordinated METASAT project wraps up with ground-breaking European innovation in space
BBC journalist to join BSC as part of the ERC FRONTIERS programme
BSC to host one of seven European AI factories to drive its development in the business ecosystem
High temperatures and heavy rains trigger West Nile Virus infections in Europe, BSC study says
BSC researcher Pablo Ortega, awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to advance climate prediction to the next level
BSC contributes to developing an AI tool to enhance cancer diagnosis and treatment
The STAR group at BSC upgrades its software stack for developing and running parallel applications on high-performance systems
BSC collaborates with Micron to Launch FAiNDER: a powerful new tool for exploring AI system requirements
BSC showcases the computational power of MareNostrum 5 at MNACTEC