BSC to take active role at the 7th JLESC workshop

14 July 2017

Researchers from BSC will be at NCSA (Illinois, USA) to give talks in technical sessions from 17-19 July

A group of BSC researchers will participate in the 7th edition of the JLESC workshop. Researchers from different departments including Rosa Maria Badia, Leonardo Bautista, Kai Keller, Paula Córdoba, Kim Serradell, Antoni Peña, Xavier Martorell and David Torrents will be at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications on the University of Illinois campus to give talks in technical sessions from 17-19 July. The latest edition of the workshop will focus on topics such as application and numerical libraries, parallel programming, runtime and tools, resilience, big data, I/O and visualisation, and cloud for High Performance Computing (HPC).

Jesús Labarta, Judit Giménez and Luc Jaulmes will attend as Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director and Student Ambassador of JLESC respectively.

The workshop is open to Illinois, INRIA, ANL, BSC, JSC and Riken AICS faculties, researchers, engineers and students who want to learn more about post-petascale /pre-exascale computing.

The list of the BSC talks is as follows:

Speaker Talk
Rosa Badia Chair of the programming models session and talk within the summer school:
PyCOMPSs: Programming distributed computing with sequential Python
Leonardo Bautista Checkpoint Optimizations and Use Cases
Paula Córdoba Maphys Performance in Alya
Judit Giménez Chair of the resilience session
Jesús Labarta Chair of the plenary session on Tuesday 18 July
Xavier Martorell OpenMP for FPGA
Antoni Peña

Use of the Folding profiler to assist on data distribution for heterogeneous memory systems

Kim Serradell Online diagnostics generation in high resolution climate simulations
David Torrents Scaling up the computational analysis of disease genomes