BSC coordinates EuroHPC's Inno4scale programme for the development of new exascale algorithms

13 July 2023

The aim is to support European research groups that promote innovative proposals in this field to maximise the exploitation of Europe's new supercomputers.

EuroHPC's new Inno4scale programme, which will fund the development of new algorithms for pre-exascale and exascale systems, kicked off on Wednesday with the project's inaugural meeting. This programme, coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), aims to identify the most innovative proposals and provide them with the necessary funding for their development.

The consortium that composes the programme is complemented by HLRS-University of Stuttgart, Scapos AG and the PRACE association, which will participate in the evaluation of proposals and monitoring of the funded projects.

"At the kick-off meeting, many ideas have emerged that we, as a consortium, will realise for the project. We are very curious about the proposals we will receive through the open call and the innovation studies we will support over the next 21 months," said Oriol Pineda, Head of Infrastructure Access at BSC.

With an initial budget of over €4M, the Inno4scale programme will use the cascade funding model to support European research groups in this development. The call for proposals will open in early August and development sub-projects will run from January to December 2024.

The programme aims to maximise the exploitation of Europe's new supercomputers by improving energy efficiency and the use of available computational resources, as well as helping to address new challenges beyond the scope of current methods.

The Inno4scale project is funded by EuroHPC JU under Grand Agreement No 101118139. EuroHPC JU receives its funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme.