The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) will collaborate with the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation (AQuAS) to make brouseable health outcomes and quality indicators of the Catalan health system.

This afternoon, during the presentation of the reports by AQuAS’s Results Central, the responsible for the Health System Observatory, Anna García-Altés, has shown a preview of the pilot test done to furnish this data of a presentation that makes them browseable and more friendly-user – it is mainly addressed to doctors and specialized journalists.
This system will present them graphically in a geo-localized and browseable way which will allow to relate different indicators and assistance parameters, and even check its progress through the years.
AQuAS and BSC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding about the collaboration between both institutions, which will be further expanded in the near future to encompass all the data processing included in the report of the Results Central. This collaboration will be carried out through the new group of Social Link Analytics of the Life Sciences Department, taking advantage of its ample experience in the use of computer engineering and supercomputing for the analysis and data visualization in the Big Data field within the European Open Science Cloud initiatives.