BSC hosted the first edition of the Career Day on November 24. The aim of this session was to provide to the BSC community interesting career options. To help those considering what alternative paths are available, a panel of experts with different background and paths shared their top tips and advices on career pathways.
Many scientists and research engineers follow a career in research without evaluating all the rewarding possibilities that this sector can offer. With the Academic and Non-Academic job market becoming more competitive, considering all the options is a difficult dilemma for any PhD student, Postdoc or Research Engineer. According to the Vitae Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) in September 2017, 78% of respondents want an academic career and 57 % would consider working outside academia. Of these 57%, 70% would still want to do research, 37 % would like to work in research/grant management and 35% would be involved in research/science policy.
With 78% saying they wanted to remain in academic career, it is not a surprise that the competition for academic jobs is tough – but is leaving academia the only solution? Is it still the case that opting for an alternative career to academia is deemed as failure? What are then the alternative opportunities available and how can people can develop themselves in order to fit in them?