During the SC12 exhibition, BSC presented the latest results in programming tools and models, HPC services for industry, highlighting scientific applications in the field of Life and Earth Sciences, etc.
During the SC12 exhibition, BSC presented the latest results in programming tools and models, HPC services for industry, highlighting scientific applications in the field of Life and Earth Sciences, etc. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) participated actively with the different activities below:
Activity |
Title |
BSC contact person |
BoF | Interoperability in Scientific Cloud Federations | Rosa M. Badia |
Paper |
Hardware-Software Coherence Protocol for the Coexistence of Caches and Local Memories |
Lluc Álvarez, Lluís Vilanova, Marc González, Xavier Martorell, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguadé |
Tutorial |
Asynchronous Hybrid and Heterogeneous Parallel Programming with MPI/OmpSs for Exascale Systems |
Jesús Labarta, Xavier Martorell |
HPC Educator Program |
Eduard Ayguadé, Rosa M. Badia |
Workshops |
3rd Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems - ScalA |
Vassil Alexandrov |
Workshops |
Judit Giménez |
Presentation at OpenMP booth |
OmpSs: Integrating Task Dependences to OpenMP, Tuesday Nov 13th, 11:15 am |
Xavier Martorell |
Poster |
Two Fluids Level Set: High Performance Simulation and Post Processing |
Herbert Owen, Guillaume Houzeaux, Cristobal Samaniego, Fernando Cucchietti, Guillermo Marín, Carlos Tripiana, Mariano Vázquez, Hadrien Calmet |
BoFs |
Alex Ramírez |
BoFs |
Alex Ramírez |
BoFs |
Scientific Application Performance in Heterogeneous Supercomputing Clusters |
Nacho Navarro |
BoFs |
Rosa M. Badia |
BoFs |
Xavier Martorell |
Project Meetings |
Workshop |
“Detecting and analyzing application structure with clustering” at 10.30am in the Workshop on Extreme-Scale Performance Tools, November 16th |
Judith Giménez |