Oriol Jorba Casellas

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The INSPEnCaT project aims:

  • To develop a regional climate-chemistry modeling system in order.
  • To assess this impact of climate change on air pollution in Catalonia with respect to other European regions.
  • To quantify the associated effect on policy-related metrics for human and vegetation exposure, and corresponding...

The European Union's flagship Space programme Copernicus provides a key service to the European society, turning investments inspace-infrastructure into high-quality information products.

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS, https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu) exploits the information content of Earth-Observation data to monitor the...

Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs) are a heterogeneous group of >100 different rare diseases, which share the fate of progressive scarring and, ultimately, death. Two anti-fibrotic drugs have demonstrated to slow-down fibrotic progression and steroids/immunosuppressants are commonly used for inflammatory-driven ILDs. However, patient's response to therapeutic options is...

Aerosols constitute an important component in the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, and concretely of the atmospheric radiative balance and cloud formation, and yet the uncertainties about aerosols concentrations and distributions, and about their life cycle are considerable.

The recent advances in numerical modeling developments, observational...
