Introduction to supercomputing (2012)


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Diagonal Nord
Street Jordi Girona, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona
Please click here to see a map

Target group: The course is aimed at a wide audience: from users without experience in parallel computation to scientists who are thinking to use the supercomputing facilities available in Spain as well as accross Europe or those who are ineterested in improving its skills.

Cost: Attendance to the seminar is free of charge, but must be considered that travel and accomodation expenses should be financed by the participants.

Primary tabs

1st Day
10.00h - Register
10.30h - Welcome and introduction to the RES
11.00h - Coffee Break
11.30h - Parallel Architectures
12.15h - Programming models for parallel architectures (I)
13.00h - Break
14.30h -
Programming models for parallel architectures (II)
15.15h - Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting. Tools and Utilities.

16.30h - Visualization and 3D
17.00h - 3D demo and visit to MareNostrum

2nd Day
09.30h - Supercomputing resources
09.50h -
The RES project
10.30h - Coffee break
11.00h - The PRACE project
12.00h - Porting, optimizations, math libraries
12.30h - Good practice guide
13.00h - End of the seminar

Please contact with in case you require further information.


Every attendant must bring a laptop computer since there will not be available in the meeting room. The wi-fi connection will be provided by Eduroam.