PRACE Training Course: Introduction to CUDA Programming

Date: 03/Jun/2013 Time: 09:00 - 07/Jun/2013 Time: 18:00


The course will take place in
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre,
within the UPC Campus Nord premises,
Vertex building, room 214.

Target group: Level: BEGINNERS: for trainees from different background or very little knowledge (All courses are designed for specialists with at least finished 1st cycle degree)

Cost: There is no registration fee. The attendees would need to cover the expenses for travel, accommodation and meals. Click to go to suggested accommodation

Primary tabs

Course Outline:

Day 1

Session 1 / 9am - 1 pm: (3h lectures with 5 min breaks on the hour)

  1. Introduction to CUDA
  2. CUDA Threading Model (I)
  3. CUDA Threading Model (II)

Lunch Break (1pm to 2pm)

Session 2 / 2 pm- 6 pm: (3h practical session)

Lab exercises

Day 2

Session 3 / 9am- 1 pm: (3h practical session)

  1. CUDA Memory Model
  2. Matrix Multiplication – Shared Memory
  3. 2D Convolution – Constant Memory

Lunch Break (1pm to 2pm)

Session 4 / 2 pm- 6 pm: (3h practical session)

Lab exercises

Day 3

Session 5 / 9am- 1 pm: (3h practical session)

  1. CUDA Memory Model
  2. Matrix Multiplication – Shared Memory
  3. 2D Convolution – Constant Memory

Lunch Break (1pm to 2pm)

Session 6 / 2 pm- 6 pm: (3h practical session)

Lab exercises

Day 4

Session 7 / 9am- 1 pm: (3h practical session)

  1. Parallel Reductions
  2. Memory Bandwidth Considerations
  3. Prefix Scan

Lunch Break (1pm to 2pm)

Session 8 / 2 pm- 6 pm: (3h practical session)

Lab exercises