Severo Ochoa Research Seminars

Monday, 18 September, 2023


Speaker: Raúl Murillo, is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at UCM
Host: Miquel Moretó, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC

Thursday, 14 September, 2023


Speaker: Amir Taherkordi is a Full Professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo (UiO)
Host: Peini Liu, Data Centric Computing, Recognised Researcher, CS, BSC

Tuesday, 12 September, 2023


Speaker: Aleš Zamuda, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Maribor, Slovenia
Host: Rosa Badia, Workflows and Distributed Computing Group Manager, CS, BSC

Thursday, 07 September, 2023


Speaker: Katie Lim, 6th year PhD student in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington advised by Professor Tom Anderson.
Host: Miquel Moreto, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC.

Thursday, 20 July, 2023

SpeakerMert Hidayetoglu, Postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University
Host: Toni Peña, Accelerators for High Performance Computing Group Manager, CS, BSC
Thursday, 20 July, 2023


Speaker: Jose Renau, Computer Science and Engineering Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz

Host: Oscar Palomar, Established Researcher, Computer Sciences - Validation, BSC

Wednesday, 19 July, 2023


Speakers: Meriem Hajji Esstitou, Master's sudent in Industrial Engineering at the UPC
Host: Jan Mateu, Air Quality Services Es Group Recognised Researcher, ES BSC

Wednesday, 12 July, 2023


Speaker: Bartomeu Pou Mulet, fourth-year PhD student at the BSC and UPC
Host: Eduardo Quñones, Predictable Parallel Computing Established Researcher, CS, BSC

Thursday, 06 July, 2023


Speakers: Elisa Bergas-Massó, third-year Ph.D. student in the Environmental Engineering Program at UPC and Atmospheric Composition Group First Stage Researcher, ES, BSC.
Host: Maria Gonçalves Ageitos, Atmospheric Composition Group Established Researcher, ES, BSC

Wednesday, 05 July, 2023


Speaker: Jonathan Balkind is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Host: Miquel Moretó, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC
