Severo Ochoa Research Seminars

Wednesday, 17 July, 2024

Speaker: Omar Lahyani. Synthesis and Physical design of ICs, Computer Sciences, BSC.
Host: Francesc Moll. Synthesis and Physical design of ICs Group Manager, Computer Sciences, BSC.
Tuesday, 16 July, 2024

Speaker: Yanxiang Chen. Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Host: Oriol Lehmkuhl. Senior Researcher, Large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics, CASE, BSC.
Friday, 12 July, 2024

Speaker: Juan Miguel de Haro Ruiz. Research Engineer OmpSs@FPGA Team, Programming Models Group at the BSC.
Host: Xavier Martorell. Parallel Programming Models Group Manager, Computer Sciences, BSC.
Thursday, 11 July, 2024

Speaker: Flo Wohlrab. CEO of OpenHW Group.
Host: Miquel Moretó. High Performance Domain-Specific ArchitecturesComputer Sciences, BSC.
Thursday, 11 July, 2024

Speaker: Jonathan Balkind, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Host: Miquel Moretó. High Performance Domain-Specific ArchitecturesComputer Sciences, BSC.
Wednesday, 10 July, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Joan Camps Barjau (Quantum Computing Researcher at Riverlane Ltd, in Cambridge UK)
Host: Cedric Bhihe, Wave Phenomena Group, CASE Department, BSC
Monday, 08 July, 2024

Speaker: Jérôme Noailly. Co-director of the SIMBIOSys group. Leader of the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Area of the Barcelona Centre for New Medical Technologies. Coordinator of the European project Disc4All.
Host: Alfonso Valencia, Life Sciences Department Director, BSC.
Tuesday, 02 July, 2024

Speaker: Nils Kohl. LMU Munich | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Geophysics.
Monday, 01 July, 2024

Speaker: Edgar Leon. Computer scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Host: Marc Casas. Leading researcher -SOftware research and development vehicles for New ARchitectures (SONAR), Computer Sciences, BSC.
Friday, 28 June, 2024

Speaker: Carlos F. Sopuerta. Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC and IEEC)
