Rosa M Badia
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Rosa M. Badia is the manager of the Workflows and Distributed computing group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). She graduated on Computer Science at the Facultat d' Informàtica de Barcelona (UPC, 1989) and holds a PhD from the UPC (1994). She was lecturing and doing research at the Computer Architecture Department (DAC) at the UPC from 1989 to 2008, where she held an Associate Professor position from 1997 to 2008; she is currently part-time lecturing again at the same department. From 1999 to 2005 she was involved in research and development activities at the European Center of Parallelism of Barcelona (CEPBA).
Her current research interests are programming models for complex platforms (from edge devices, fog and to the cloud computing, and large heterogeneous HPC systems). She is considered one of the key researchers in Parallel programming models for multicore and distributed computing due to her contributions to task-based programming models during the last 15 years. The group led Badia has focused on the research and development of task-based programming models and resource management tools for distributed computing. The research is integrated in the PyCOMPSs/COMPSs programming framework, that is released as open source with new versions every 6 months and downloaded more than 1000 times last year. The group also does research in parallelization of machine learning, with the dislib libray. The group has been very active in European funded projects and projects with industry, participating in 37 projects, being myself the IP at BSC for most of them and global IP for 4 of them. Currenly she is leading the EuroHPC eFlows4HPC project focusing of workflows that integrated High-Performance Computing, artificial intelligence and big data.
With regard collaborations it is remarkable the internal collaborations of the group at BSC with the application departments, enabling them to develop efficient parallel applications; and also, international collaborations with multiple groups lead by key researchers in the field (Jack Dongarra, Domenico Talia, Enrique Quintana, to mention a few). All this activity is completed with her participation in advisory and evaluation committees, strategic groups (BDEC) and contribution to the organization of a large number of conferences. She have published almost 200 papers in international conferences and journals in the topics of her research. The impact of these publications is remarkable, with a total of 8588 citations and h-index factor of 47 (according to google scholar).
The initial research topics were high-level synthesis of asynchronous circuits (PhD topic), hardware-software co-design of reconfigurable computing and performance analysis of distributed applications. In that period, she was involved in subjects related to computer structure, VLSI design and high-level synthesis. From 1999 to 2005 she was involved in research topics of performance prediction of distributed applications, resource management in grid environments and programming models in grid environments.
Main Research Lines
- Distributed Object Management
- Workflow environments for Scientific Applications
- Towards complex and intelligent workflow programming for Distributed Computing
- Integration of Programming Models and Persistent Storage Systems
- Data-Driven Scientific Computing
- High performance storage for interactive Big Data analysis
- Provenance, Metadata and Reproducibility
- Distributed Computing Library
- Distributed computing libraries and environments for quantum algorithms and hybrid classical-quantum workflows
ACM Distinguished Member
IEEE member
HiPEAC member