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Showing 15071 - 15080 of 15896 results
  • news/bsc-news/velox-project-launches-first-fully-i...
    Date: 06/10/2010
    It seems that these days everyone wants a ?supercomputer? in their pocket. Consumers are demanding more performance and power from smaller and sleeker devices.
    It seems that these days everyone wants a ?supercomputer? in their pocket. Consumers are demanding more performance and power from smaller and sleeker devices.
  • BSC in the Media. Source: Avui / El Punt
    Date: 04/10/2010
  • BSC in the Media. Source: UPC
    Date: 28/09/2010
    Amb aquest guardó IBM reconeix la recerca en la gestió dinàmica de serveis híbrids en entorns cloud computing de David Carrera, investigador al BSC i professor del Departament d?Arquitectura de Computadors de la UPC
    Amb aquest guardó IBM reconeix la recerca en la gestió dinàmica de serveis híbrids en entorns cloud computing de David Carrera, investigador al BSC i professor del Departament d?Arquitectura de Computadors de la UPC
  • BSC in the Media. Source: Heraldo de Aragón
    Date: 21/09/2010
  • news/bsc-news/resuelven-por-primera-vez-el-plegami...
    Date: 20/09/2010
    La predicción y reproducción de las macromoléculas biológicas (es decir, las máquinas de la vida) es la gran asignatura pendiente de la biología estructural.
    La predicción y reproducción de las macromoléculas biológicas (es decir, las máquinas de la vida) es la gran asignatura pendiente de la biología estructural.
  • BSC in the Media. Source: Catalunya Ràdio
    Date: 17/09/2010
  • news/bsc-news/bsc-named-first-cuda-research-center...
    Date: 14/09/2010
    The BSC has been named by NVIDIA as a 2010 CUDA Research Center, the first in Spain. The CUDA Research Center Program recognizes and fosters collaboration with research groups at research centers expanding the frontier of massively parallel computing.
    The BSC has been named by NVIDIA as a 2010 CUDA Research Center, the first in Spain. The CUDA Research Center Program recognizes and fosters collaboration with research groups at research centers expanding the frontier of massively parallel computing.
  • news/bsc-news/finalitzada-la-fase-0-la-construcci%...
    Date: 08/09/2010
    La denominada fase 0 per a la construcció del nou edifici corporatiu del consorci del Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) ha finalitzat amb l?enderrocament dels edificis Bolet i Plàtan, situats al Campus Nord de la UPC, darrere del Rectorat.
    La denominada fase 0 per a la construcció del nou edifici corporatiu del consorci del Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) ha finalitzat amb l?enderrocament dels edificis Bolet i Plàtan, situats al Campus Nord de la UPC, darrere del Rectorat.
  • BSC in the Media. Source: La Vanguardia
    Date: 08/09/2010
  • news/bsc-news/bsc-hosts-the-prace-training-week
    Date: 30/08/2010
    The seminar will take 6 half-day sessions from September 6th to September 9th 2010 at the North Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona.
    The seminar will take 6 half-day sessions from September 6th to September 9th 2010 at the North Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona.
