
Showing 241 - 250 results of 626

IBERIFIER is an Iberian hub that aims to tackle disinformation in Spain and Portugal by bringing together a consortium of 23 partners, composed of 12 universities, 5 independent fact-checking organisations and publicly owned news agencies, and 6 leading institutions on strategic analysis, computer and data science, and media research. With support from public authorities of...

Características socio-demográficas, como la profesión y la situación laboral, resultan imprescindibles para entender la salud y el bienestar. La relación entre enfermedades y profesiones se debe a múltiples factores, como el riesgo aumentado de exposición a sustancias tóxicas y patógenos, la sobrecarga...

AHEAD es un proyecto colaborativo que pretende evaluar el concepto de combustión dual para asegurar amplios rangos operacionales junto con alta resistencia al apagado y bajas emisiones en llamas de bajo giro. AHEAD prepara el camino para el desarrollo de quemadores de bajas emisiones de CO2 para la siguiente generación de aeromotores.


MITIGATE (MonIToring and dIagnosinG ozone formATion from spacE) aims to unravel the sensitivity of surface O3 production to NOx and VOC precursors over Spain using the high-resolution TROPOMI sensor. Designed to address the aforementioned issues, the specific objectives of the project are:

  • to assess the consistency between...

NextGEMS will develop and apply a new generation of global coupled Storm-Resolving Earth System Models (SR-ESMs) to the study of anthropogenic climate change. SR-ESMs are distinguished by their fine, 3 km, grid in the atmosphere andocean. This allows a more physical representation of atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems, including their coupling to Earth-system...

En la actualidad, gran parte de las enfermedades para los que no existe tratamiento o solución vienen derivadas del envejecimiento. Uno de los principales problemas para tratarlas se encuentra en la dificultad de detectarlas en estados tempranos de su desarrollo, lo cual requiere de un seguimiento demasiado monitorizado de cada ser humano. Es por ello, que se hace...

To implement the European Roadmap, in which theory and simulation play a strong role, it is crucial to further bring together the accumulated knowledge and expertise in these fields under a highly focused Theory, Simulation, Verification and Validation (TSVV) programme. Coordination is required that can integrate the world-class fusion science and engineering with emerging...

The distribution of pollutants at urban level is not completely understood due to its spatial inhomogeneity. Bettair currently maps pollutant concentrations using a model that is mainly suitable for open areas, but this model can be further improved at the cost of using more computational power. The goal of this project is to develop and incorporate a new module into...

OXIPRO aims at contributing to the transition towards environment-friendly detergents, textiles, cosmetics and nutraceuticals by co-designing and co-developing an efficient oxidoreductases foundry under an interdisciplinary and systemic innovation approach, integrating high-performance computing and cuttingedge biotechnology for tailormade and greener oxidoreductases...

The increasing shift to eco-friendly production impacts the industry of consumer products. The EU-funded FuturEnzyme project will develop advanced innovative solutions to discover, design, optimise and formulate low-cost enzymes for economically viable products in the textile, detergent and cosmetics sectors. A textile containing Elasthane, a liquid detergent, and a...
