
Showing 1 - 10 results of 14

The deposition of dust and other terrestrial aerosols represents an external supply of nutrients to the ocean surface. This supply helps sustain...

Cold air outbreaks are typical of the mid-latitude climate during the cold season. Their relevance relies on the threat to life caused by the long-lasting periods with abnormally low temperatures, the potential of damage to crops, and the occurrence of high-impact weather events such as heavy snow and low visibility during blizzards.

Previous studies...

ASPECT aims to setup and demonstrate a seamless climate information (SCI) system with a time horizon up to 30yr and accompanied with underlying research and using climate information for sectoral applications ( middle-ground level 1). The project's goal is to improve existing climate prediction systems and to merge their outputs across timescales together with climate...

Compound events (CEs) can pose significant threats to societies, economies and ecosystems around the world, especially when amplified by anthropogenic climate change (ACC). There is therefore a strong need for skilled, reliable and actionable predictions of how CEs are expected to change in the next decades to help governments and stakeholders implement robust adaptation...

Our changing climate is already affecting millions of people across the world and will continue to do so in the coming decades. Successful adaptation strategies require the best available estimate of plausible future climate trajectories. Traditionally, this information has been mostly based on results from climate model projections that follow different future socio-economic...

The RESCUE project will improve knowledge and understanding in area of this call: Climate and Earth System responses to climate neutrality and net negative emissions by pursuing two overall objectives:

  • Quantify the climate and Earth system responses topathways achieving climate neutrality by Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)...

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has a critical role to ensure that the service meets the needs of a range of users for high-quality data and information on near- to medium- to long-term climate change. The ITT that this proposal addresses asks for recommendations on robust definition and adoption of methods for post-processing of forecast data and case studies to...

The overall objective of FORCeS is to understand and reduce the long-standing uncertainty in anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing, which is crucial in order to increase confidence in climate projections. These projections are highly relevant for decision makers, as they provide key information on emission pathways that will facilitate the targets of the Paris Agreement to...

CCiCC addresses the crucial knowledge gap in the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide emissions, by reducing uncertainty in our quantitative understanding of carbon-climate interactions and feedbacks. This will be achieved through innovative integration of models and observations, providing new constraints on modelled carbon-climate interactions and climate projections, and...

The Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC) function of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has a critical role to ensure that the service meets the needs of a range of users for high-quality data and information, and in proposing the necessary evolution of the service itself, while shaping the research agenda to attend the most important challenges detected. The ITT...
