
Showing 11 - 20 results of 22

Sustainable management of human activities affecting Atlantic marine ecosystems is critical to maintain its health and tosupport the blue economy of the bordering countries. TRIATLAS will contribute to this by delivering knowledge of the current state and future changes of the Atlantic marine ecosystems. We achieve this through a basin-wide approach that integratesresearch...

The path towards exascale computing holds enormous challenges for the community of weather and climate modelling regarding portability, scalability and data management that can hardly be faced by individual institutes. ESiWACE2 will therefore link, organise and enhance Europe's excellence in weather and climate modelling to 

  • enable leading European weather...

ESCAPE-2 will develop world-class, extreme-scale computing capabilities for European operational numerical weather and climate prediction, and provide the key components for weather and climate domain benchmarks to be deployed on extreme-scale demonstrators and beyond. This will be achieved by developing bespoke and novel mathematical and algorithmic concepts, combining them...

The European Climate Prediction system project (EUCP) has four objectives, all directly relevant to the work programme, and fully meet the challenge, scope and impact of the work programme.

1.Develop an innovative ensemble climate prediction system based on high-resolution climate models for Europe for the near-term (~1-40years), including improved methods used to characterise...

Large scale deployment of renewable energy (RE) is key to comply with the GHG emissions reduction set by the COP21 agreement. Despite cost competitive in many settings, RE diffusion remains limited largely due to its variability. This works as a major barrier to RE’s integration in electricity networks as knowledge of power output and demand forecasting beyond a few...

The World Climate Research Programme coordinates international research efforts focused on climate information products and services - in particular those devoted to improving forecast capabilities at seasonal to decadal timescales - under the framework of the WMO s Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). At the same time, within the Mediterranean region, several...

Wildfires have a great impact on the environment and can pose a threat to property and human lives and health. The occurrence of fire in natural vegetation is dependent on human activities and climate variability. In tropical areas such as the Amazon basin and Indonesia, wildfires are greatly affected by inter-annual fluctuations in tropical Sea Surface Temperatures...

Arctic climate change increases the need of a growing number of stakeholders for trustworthy weather and climatepredictions, both within the Arctic and beyond. APPLICATE will address this challenge and develop enhanced predictivecapacity by bringing together scientists from academia, research institutions and operational prediction centres, includingexperts in weather and...

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) sponsored the Global Framework on Climate Services (GFCS) where the need for actionable climate information for periods from several months up to several years for economic, industrial and political planning has been expressed. However, progress in seasonal forecasting has been slow and decadal forecasting is still incipient. At the...

Producing trustworthy interannual to decadal climate predictions constitutes a societal challenge with numerous socio-economic applications (agriculture, energy, health, water resources, insurance). Climate is, for example, one of the key factors that influences grape and wine production affecting the suitability of certain grape varieties to a particular region as well as...
