
Showing 31 - 40 results of 140

Extreme climatic events, environmental degradation and socio-economic inequalities exacerbate the risk of infectious disease epidemics. We lack the evidence-base to understand and predict the impacts of extreme events and landscape changes on disease risk, leaving communities in climate change hotspots vulnerable to increasing health threats. This is in part due to a lack of...

Ultrasound imaging can be deeply enhanced by means of algorithms developed in the field of geophysical imaging. Such algorithms, based upon adjoint-state modelling and iterative optimization, provide quantitative images of human tissue with very high resolution. At present time, suchimages can only be attained by means of high-performance computing and using specific...

The Propulsion Technologies Group is focused on the generation of advanced simulation software that conducts high-level research in energy conversion systems. The key activities of the group are focused on the development of emissions models for aeroengines, and hydrogen-based technologies for aircraft propulsion, including disruptive concepts based on dual-fuel and...

We are devoted to the development of computational algorithms for LifeScience, using molecular modelling techniques, bioinformatics and machine learning methods.

Our molecular modeling software, PELE, is used worldwide through its public server, and commercialised through NBD since 2017, and clearly outperformed other tools in the CSAR blind...

The main research line of ACAP group is in High Performance Computer Architecture, starting from hardware and streching into software. Recently, our principal activity is related to the European Processor Initiative, with the aim to design and manufacture a European HPC processor fully designed in Europe.

Our group is developing the vector processor...

Our team explores the programming approaches for homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures, including the use of accelerators and distributed clusters. We propose the OmpSs programming model, a task-based approach. OmpSs seeks to improve programmability of applications in such environments, without sacrificing performance. We actively participate in the OpenMP standard...

Accelerators provide the majority of performance in modern High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and are the fundamental building blocks Exascale systems. The European PILOT (Pilot using Independent Local & Open Technology) will be the first demonstration of two ALL European HPC and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) (AI, ML, DL) accelerators, designed,...

The sustainability of plastic materials implies attaining a renewable origin and recyclable nature. Unfortunately, both conditions are far from being fulfilled by the current industry. In the polyester sector, PET [poly(ethylene- terephthalate)], one of the most common plastics, has a petrochemical origin. Happily, PEF [poly(ethylene-furandicarboxylate)] is emerging as a...

To implement the European Roadmap, in which theory and simulation play a strong role, it is crucial to further bring together the accumulated knowledge and expertise in these fields under a highly focused Theory, Simulation, Verification and Validation (TSVV) programme. Coordination is required that can integrate the world-class fusion science and engineering with emerging...

DEEP-SEA (DEEP Software for Exascale Architectures) will deliver the programming environment for future Europeanexascale systems, adapting all levels of the software (SW) stack including low-level drivers, computation andcommunication libraries, resource management, and programming abstractions with associated runtime systems and tools to support highly heterogeneous compute...
