
Showing 41 - 50 results of 65

The recent COP21 Paris agreement on climate ties the participating countries (Spain and the whole EU among them) to take actions to reduce anthropogenic carbon emissions in order to contain global warming within 2o C by the end of this century. This translates into the necessity to precisely estimate the compatible CO2 emissions well ahead of time to make sure targets are met. However,...

Our first objective is to improve the understanding of key processes that control the variability of the ice-ocean- atmosphere system at decadal time scale. The focus will be on the interactions between the components at regional scale and on the links with larger spatial scales. A specific attention will be paid to the surface mass balance of ice sheets and ice shelves, as...

The recent COP21 Paris agreement on climate ties the participating countries (Spain and the whole EU among them) to take actions to reduce anthropogenic carbon emissions in order to contain global warming within 2o C by the end of this century. This translates into the necessity to precisely estimate the compatible CO2 emissions well ahead of time to make sure targets are met. However,...

HiPEAC is a coordination and support action (CSA) that aims to structure and connect the European academic and industrialresearch and innovation communities in computing systems (i) by increasing the industrial membership, (ii) by integrating theEuropean innovation community, (iii) by organising activities to connect the research and innovation communities, (iv) bystimulating...

To achieve the demands of extreme scale and the delivery of exascale, we embrace the computing platform as a whole, not just component optimization or fault resilience. EuroEXA brings a holistic foundation from multiple European HPC projects and partners together with the industrial SME focus of MAX for FPGA data-flow; ICE for infrastructure; ALLIN for HPC tooling and ZPT to...

Rare Diseases, Biobanks, Clinical BioinformaticsDespite examples of excellent practice, rare disease (RD) research is still mainly fragmented by data and disease types. Individual efforts have little interoperability and almost no systematic connection between detailed clinical and genetic information, biomaterial availability or research/trial datasets. By developing robust...

Environmental perturbations to lakes and reservoirs occur largely as episodic climatic events. These range from relatively short mixing events to storms and heat waves. While the driving events occur along a continuum of frequency and magnitude, however, their effect is generally longer lasting than the events themselves. In addition, the more extreme weather events are now...

Arctic climate change increases the need of a growing number of stakeholders for trustworthy weather and climatepredictions, both within the Arctic and beyond. APPLICATE will address this challenge and develop enhanced predictivecapacity by bringing together scientists from academia, research institutions and operational prediction centres, includingexperts in weather and...

HiPEAC is a support action that aims to structure and strengthen the European academic and industrial communities in computing systems: (i) by increasing innovation awareness and by encouraging researchers to engage in innovation activities; (ii) by professionally disseminating program achievements beyond the traditional scientific venues; (iii) by producing a vision document...

 IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes For a better anticipation on future high impact hydrological extremes disrupting safety of citizens, agricultural production, transportation, energy production and urban water supply, and overall economic productivity, prediction and foresighting capabilities and their intake in these strategic sectors need...
