
Showing 101 - 110 results of 144

The DEEP-EST (DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies) project will create a first incarnation of the Modular Supercomputer Architecture (MSA) and demonstrate its benefits. In the spirit of the DEEP and DEEP-ER projects, the MSA integrates compute modules with different performancecharacteristics into a single heterogeneous system. Each module is a parallel, clustered system...

HPC-Europa3 aims to persistently maintain a high quality service of transnational access to the most advanced HPC infrastructures available in Europe for the European research science community. European researchers have been able to rely on the existence of this transnational access activity for almost two decades, and the main aim of this new innovative 3rd edition of the...

Energy and Mobility are two primary driving forces in the 21st century. Development of incremental and disruptive technologies will have keyimpacts on the world s societies, and on safety, security and competitiveness of Europe. Amongst those technologies, gas turbines will play amajor role. Recovery of shale gas depends decisively on compressors. Modern gas supplied power...

El objectivo principal de LIDERA2020 consiste en crear las medidas necesarias para potenciar el liderazgo del BSC como coordinador en las futuras convocatorias del programa H2020, además de consolidar su posición como una de las entitidades españolas con mayor éxito en la participación en H2020 e incrementar la atracción de...

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing researchers with over 11 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25 member...

VMutate desarrollará la próxima plataforma computacional para el desarrollo eficiente de la ingeniería de enzimas de interés industrial. Para ello, integraremos técnicas y datos ómicos (de diferentes servidores y bases de datos), con metodologías vanguardistas de modelado molecular y atómico y, además, el...

In its communication on the European Cloud Initiative the European Commission in April 2016 stressed the need forbuilding an European Data Infrastructure including high-end supercomputers, which will around 2022 reach the exascaleperformance level. In this proposal, a group of leading European supercomputing centres propose the formation of a buyersgroup to execute a joint...

This Centre of Excellence will advance the role of computationally based modelling and simulation within biomedicine. Three related user communities lie at the heart of the CoE: academic, industrial and clinical researchers who all wish to build, develop and extend such capabilities in line with the increasing power of high performance computers. Three distinct exemplar...

STIMULI project aims at developing a feasibility study for the creation of a Catalan hub that will promote the use of advanced ICT in SMEs in order to stimulate the uptake of HPC cloud-based modelling and simulation services, thus increasing the SMEs competiveness and fostering regional growth.

This feasibility study will be focused on creating an...

Computer systems have faced significant power challenges over the past 20 years; these challenges have shifted from the devices and circuitslevel, to their current position as first-order constraints for system architects and software developers. TANGO s goal is to characterise factorswhich affect power consumption in software development and operation for heterogeneous...
