
Showing 1 - 10 results of 13

As the world is edging closer to the 1.5 degrees planetary boundary and is failing to adequately cut greenhouse gas emissions, societal actors from all sectors and scales are requested to rapidly devise adequate responses to ensure a liveable future. However, there is a recognised usability gap in climate science, which makes that despite having better quality data, this data...

OptimESM will develop a novel generation of Earth system models (ESMs), combining high resolution with an unprecedented representation of key physical and biogeochemical processes. These models will be used to deliver cutting-edge and policy-relevant knowledge around the consequences of reaching or exceeding different levels of global warming, including the risk of rapid...

Compound events (CEs) can pose significant threats to societies, economies and ecosystems around the world, especially when amplified by anthropogenic climate change (ACC). There is therefore a strong need for skilled, reliable and actionable predictions of how CEs are expected to change in the next decades to help governments and stakeholders implement robust adaptation...

In the last report of its first working group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that there is still much unknown about regional climate change. Even over a number of very large regions, seventy years of warming does not seem enough to assess if three has been a change in hydrological extremes (floods and droughts). Given that the global climate...

While overall global warming with the causes and global processes connected to well-mixed greenhouse gases (GHGs), especiallyCO2 and their impacts on global to continental scales are well understood with a high level of confidence, there are knowledge gaps concerning the impact of many non-CO2 radiative forcers leading to low confidence in the conclusions.

NextGEMS will develop and apply a new generation of global coupled Storm-Resolving Earth System Models (SR-ESMs) to the study of anthropogenic climate change. SR-ESMs are distinguished by their fine, 3 km, grid in the atmosphere andocean. This allows a more physical representation of atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems, including their coupling to Earth-system...

In this project, we present PluriZymes, enzymes containing multiple (engineered) catalytic actives sites in a single scaffold, as one of the next breakthroughs in enzymatic catalysis. We show clear preliminary evidence of the potential role of PluriZymes in optimizing complex biochemical processes, such as cellulose degradation, or to group cascade reactions into one single...

CCiCC addresses the crucial knowledge gap in the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide emissions, by reducing uncertainty in our quantitative understanding of carbon-climate interactions and feedbacks. This will be achieved through innovative integration of models and observations, providing new constraints on modelled carbon-climate interactions and climate projections, and...

The recent COP21 Paris agreement on climate ties the participating countries (Spain and the whole EU among them) to take actions to reduce anthropogenic carbon emissions in order to contain global warming within 2o C by the end of this century. This translates into the necessity to precisely estimate the compatible CO2 emissions well ahead of time to make sure targets are met. However,...

Liquid fuel combustion applications are the main energy consumers within our current transport system, with a consequent impact on resource utilization, global warming and pollutant emissions. Society is pushing to decarbonize the transportation sector with replacementfuels that have lower impact and allow to a carbon-neutral growth for the near term. The implementation of...
