
Showing 61 - 70 results of 142

The main scope of the project is to empower the potential of EO Systems by creating an innovative commercial information delivery to optimize sustainable vine cultivation via decision support systems (DSS) on phenology, irrigation, fertilizer, disease and business operations management. Satellites imagery will be combined with other data sources such as in-field measurements, models and best...

The central objective of FOCUS-Africa is to develop sustainable tailored climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region for four sectors:

  • agriculture and food security
  • water
  • energy
  • infrastructure

The proposed co-production amongst end-users, climate scientists and sectoral service providers will ensure...

Roughly 30% of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement (PA) include land-based mitigation measures, however, there significant uncertainties remain regarding their effectiveness for delivering negative emissions. Aside from the expected inability of all current NDCs to deliver on the goal to below 2 oC goal, the uncertainty caused by this...

Digital twins, along with the Internet of Things and Edge computing , are expected to play a decisive role in the nextdecade s industrial markets (Industry 4.0) enabling dramatic improvements in complex systems design and operation.However, this technology has not been yet widely implemented, since it requires the collaboration of experts in multiple fieldsand costly...

The impact of digital technologies on industrial processes is widely discussed and often assumed as a "done deal". However, the industrial environment tends to move at its own pace, and the adoption of new digital technologies can represent a massive challenge in contexts dominated by electromechanics components.

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AQ-WATCH will develop a supply chain leading to the generation of seven downstream products and services that are innovative for improving air quality forecasts and attribution. These prototypes will be based on existing space and in situ observations of air quality and tailored to the identified needs of international users. The project will allow for the first time small...

TransBioNet was created in 2018 as part of the mission of the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) to increase the translational impact of its activities in the Spanish National Health System (SNS). TransBioNet was born as an initiative open to all bioinformatics units and groups that develop their activity in hospital environments. Initially, the network was...

Existing HW/SW platforms for safety-critical systems suffer from limited performance and/or from lack flexibility due to building on specific proprietary components, which jeopardize their wide deployment across domains. While some research attempts have been done to overcome some of these limitations, their degree of success has been low due to missing flexibility and...

The IOTWINS project will deliver large-scale industrial test-beds that leverage and combine data related to  manufacturing and facility management optimization domains that come from diverse sources, such as data APIs, historical data, embedded sensors, and Open Data sources.The goal is to build a reference architecture for the development and deployment of distributed...

TranSYS will recruit 15 ESRs to highly skilled jobs in the new area of Systems Health developing tools and approaches to exploit large and complex datasets, to advance Precision (Personalised) Medicine in several disease areas. The training programme and experience of different international research environments cuts across traditional data and life sciences silos. The...
