
Showing 51 - 60 results of 109

Europe is implementing an AI strategy that seeks to create a research environment characterised by scientific excellence and that is consistent with the fundamental ethical values of its citizens. Part of this strategy foresees the consolidation of ongoing research activities through the creation and maintenance of an AI on-demand Platform that will act as a community...

This project primary targets Catalan SMEs (with a special focus on manufacturing companies and technology providers), technology start-ups and public administrations. Catalonia has a strong industrial base, with 35,339 companies (99% SMEs) which represent 18,1% of Spanish industrial enterprises. Data from 2019 shows that only 16% of those companies had adopted advanced...

The project aims to develop a computational platform for the virtual testing of industrial combustors using High-Performance Computing (HPC). It uses an advanced modelling strategy based on high-fidelity numerical simulations and HPC-based data analysis tools to obtain quantitative information about combustion performance in terms of combustion dynamics, pollutant formation...

We are devoted to the development of computational algorithms for LifeScience, using molecular modelling techniques, bioinformatics and machine learning methods.

Our molecular modeling software, PELE, is used worldwide through its public server, and commercialised through NBD since 2017, and clearly outperformed other tools in the CSAR blind...

There is a need to increase the capabilities of current Computational Fluid Dynamics tools for engineering design by re-engineering them for extreme-scale parallel computing platforms. The backbone of the Large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (LS/CFD) team is centered on the fact that, today, the capabilities of leading-edge emerging HPC architectures are not fully...


The Atmospheric Composition group (AC) of the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona SupercomputingCenter(BSC) aims  at better...

Advancing education and training in High Performance Computing (HPC) and its applicability to HPDA and AI is essential forstrengthening the world-class European HPC ecosystem. It is of primary importance to ensure the digital transformation and thesustainability of high-priority economic sectors. Missing educated and skilled professionals in HPC/HPDA/AI could prevent...

Digital sovereignty has become a key requirement for the EU, which is now striving to move from a simple user of ICT technologies to a main player on the digital market, both for products and human skills. Also, the need for EU (and the EuroHPC JU) to deploy Europe world-class exascale supercomputers is urging. The European Processor Initiative develops a roadmap for future...

GreenSCENT aims at developing a competence framework embracing all the Green Deal focus areas through an iterative, participated,experience and learning-by-doing based design approach. GreenSCENT will develop the GreenComp framework using both experts andresearchers inputs and advise, citizen participation and stakeholder engagement initiatives; then it will test the...

NextProt, tiene como objetivo utilizar modelado de vanguardia reciente para encontrar (bioprospección) y mejorar (diseñar) la próxima generación de proteasas para detergentes. La idea principal reside en el uso de PluriZimas, enzimas con centros activos adicionales introducidos por diseño computacional, para mejorar dos de los principales...
