
Showing 21 - 30 results of 209

The MultiXscale Centre of Excellence will increase performance, productivity and portability (the Three P's) across the entire spectrum of scientists active in the domain of multiscale simulation. It couples the scientific expertise of the CECAM network, represented by leading experts in multiscale simulations from different European institutions, with the technical expertise...

As of today, 80% of the data processing and analysis occurs in cloud data centers, and only 20% of processing occurs at the edge. This incipient exploitation of edge resources increases time to value and prevents business processes, decisions, and intelligence from being taken outside of the data center, which prevents Europe from unlocking an entire set of new opportunities...

Building on the EPI and EUPilot project outcomes, RISER will develop the first all-European RISC-V cloud server infrastructure, significantly enhancing Europe's genuine strategic autonomy. RISER will leverage and validate open hardware high-speed interfaces combined with a fully-featured operating system environment and runtime system, enabling the integration of low-power...

MODELAIR proposes a combination of theoretical, experimental, numerical, and data-driven science that will simulate, control and design new disruptive technologies for future sustainable cities and will provide specialized training to 10 doctoral candidates (DCs) to make these new technologies available to city Councils and relevant industrial sectors.

CloudStars is an Open Source Research Mobility network in the field of Cloud Computing technology. The proposal combines twelve academic institutions in seven European countries (Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Poland, Switzerland), two academic institutions in third-party countries (Ecuador, Argentina), and three industrial laboratories from IBM (USA,...

The growing need to transfer massive amounts of data among multitudes of interconnected devices for e.g., self-driving vehicles, IoTor industry 4.0 has led to a quest towards low-power and secure approaches to locally processing data. Neuromorphic computing, a brain-inspired approach, addresses this need by radically changing the processing of information. Although...

Esta actuación tiene como objetivo principal realizar los desarrollos necesarios que permitan diseñar prototipos de nuevas generaciones de procesadores y aceleradores basados en los diseños actuales de EPI. Estos desarrollos permitirán que su siguiente evolución posterior pueda fabricarse usando tecnologías que acerquen sus...

En este proyecto pretendemos utilizar el conocimiento desarrollado en BSC referente a procesadores multinúcleo basados en el juego deinstrucciones abierto RISC-V y sistemas hardware de gestión de tareas con dependencias para integrar un sistema multinúcleo deprocesadores fuera de orden capaz de adaptarse por hardware a las características de la...

The main objective of our project, KOIOS, is to develop new AI-based methods that are trustworthy (under human control and explainable), robust (resilient to attacks) and frugal in the use of resources (data, computing capabilities, energy,& ) addressing tasks in a more efficient manner than the current state-of-the-art ML/DL methods while...

The overall aim of the EDITH project is to foster an inclusive ecosystem for Digital Twins in healthcare in Europe and to prompt the convergence of such an ecosystem towards a common strategy conducive to its further development. This is achieved by mapping and analysing the status of the fields which are crucial for the growth, uptake and use of digital twins in healthcare,...
