
Showing 11 - 20 results of 209

The ISOLDE project aims to significantly support the digital transformation of all economic and societal sectors, to speed up the transition towards a green, climate neutral and digital Europe, to strengthen the design capacity and to achieving digital autonomy EU-wide. By the end of our project, we will have high performance RISC-V processing systems and platforms at least...

The AIR project responds to Europe's aspiration for leadership and reflects the common essence and concern essential to all Europeans, indeed to everything on the planet, the air we breathe. Air is considered an environmental quality, a meeting space and a space for expression: it does not distinguish between countries or social classes. Air means sustainability, an indicator...

El projecte té com a objectiu l execució i la millora dels sistemes de qualitat de l aire CALIOPE, per a oferir el pronòstic horari a 24 h i 48 h de NO2, O3 i PM10 a Catalunya (1 km x 1 km), i CALIOPE-Urban per a ampliar la cobertura espacial del pronòstic horari de NO2 a altres municipis fora de Barcelona (entre 20 m x 20 m i 100 m x 100 m).L...

The COLMENA project addresses data processing challenges in the IoT landscape, where data collection predominantly occurs on IoT devices, but about 80% of processing occurs in centralized data centres. This approach leads to communication delays, high energy consumption, and underutilization of device resources. COLMENA seeks to transform this...

Understanding, predicting, and discovering the properties and performance of materials is key to delivering the technologies that power our economy and allow for the sustainable development of our society. For this reason, materials simulations have become one ofthe most intensive and fast growing domains for high-performance computing worldwide, with a recognized European...

ChEESE-2P is the second phase of a successful research project that was coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center until 2022. It aims to address the multiple challenges posed by geohazards and accurate predictions with the help of exascale computers. The project primarily addresses European institutions responsible for operational monitoring networks but also at hardware...

EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) joins 79 partners to deploy a pan-European digital federated infrastructure of FAIR cancer-related de-identified images from Real-World. The infrastructure is designed to preserve the data sovereignty of providers and provide a platform, including an Atlas of Cancer Images, for the development and benchmarking of AI tools towards...

CASTIEL 2 will continue the mission of the CASTIEL H2020 project to coordinate and support the National Competence Centre initiative and in addition will now coordinate and support the Centres of Excellence in HPC. The activities of CASTIEL 2 will coordinate and support the NCC and CoE activities at the European level, and foster collaborations between NCCs and CoEs (and...

Understanding, predicting, and discovering the properties and performance of materials is key to delivering the technologies that power our economy and allow for the sustainable development of our society. For this reason, materials simulations have become one of the most intensive and fast-growing domains for high-performance computing worldwide, with a recognized European...

Life Science is turning into a data-driven and HPC dependent research field. BioTeam/Hyperion s 2022 estimates show that 95% of Life Science projects are being dependent on HPC. The rapid response to Covid-19 showed how an EU collaboration between pharma industry, Life Science researchers and supercomputing centres resulted in several newly identified hits now undergoing...
