
Showing 21 - 30 results of 55

NextGEMS will develop and apply a new generation of global coupled Storm-Resolving Earth System Models (SR-ESMs) to the study of anthropogenic climate change. SR-ESMs are distinguished by their fine, 3 km, grid in the atmosphere andocean. This allows a more physical representation of atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems, including their coupling to Earth-system...

The overarching aim of EARLY-ADAPT is to jointly analyse the environmental (climate variability, air pollution, desert dust and infectious diseases) and socioeconomic (macroeconomy, ageing, inequality and gender gap) drivers of recent trends in public health, focusing on human mortality, hospital admissions, occupational accidents and maternal and child...

IntelComp sets out to build an innovative Cloud Platform that will offer Artificial Intelligence based services to public administrators and policy makers across Europe for data- and evidence-driven policy design and implementation in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy. Large STI datasets are processed on a High Performance Computing (HPC)...

A climate resilient society requires reliable monitoring and forecasting information of the climate trends, patterns anddisturbances, both at global and regional scales. Through CONsistent representation of temporal variations of boundary Forcings in reanalysES and Seasonal forecasts, CONFESS will contribute to the emerging societal need for an enhanced Copernicus Climate...

Air quality and climate change are some of today's most important environmental concerns. Poor air quality and climate change are closely linked and directly relate to the changing composition of the atmosphere. The dominant driver of the changing atmospheric composition over the past decades are human activities like industrial production, agriculture and energy production....

Roughly 30% of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement (PA) include land-based mitigation measures, however, there significant uncertainties remain regarding their effectiveness for delivering negative emissions. Aside from the expected inability of all current NDCs to deliver on the goal to below 2 oC goal, the uncertainty caused by this...

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has a critical role to ensure that the service meets the needs of a range of users for high-quality data and information on near- to medium- to long-term climate change. The ITT that this proposal addresses asks for recommendations on robust definition and adoption of methods for post-processing of forecast data and case studies to...

Climate change communication to the public sphere is crucial to raise awareness and motivate climateaction. Yet, balanced climate narratives are difficult. The challenge lies in the complexity of the topic itself, usually oscillating between robust evidence-based messages with low impact and emotionallypowerfulbut hyped stories. This offer proposes an application that...

The pressure on urban areas is accelerating and the need to provide citizens with quality services in what concernssecurity, emergency, operational management and planning led to municipality decision to invest in the Lisboa Smart Management Platform (LSMP). It is paramount to be able to build the analytical capabilities on top of it and address some of the most...

EOSC-synergy extends the EOSC coordination to nine participating countries by harmonizing policies and federating relevant national research e-Infrastructures, scientific data and thematic services, bridging the gap between national initiatives and EOSC. The project introduces new capabilities by opening national thematic services to European access, thus expanding the EOSC...
