
Showing 11 - 20 results of 41

El projecte El Català i la IA (ECIA) té com objectiu generar els recursos lingüístics necessaris per al català, que permetin i facilitin desenvolupar aplicacions en llenguatge natural com chat bots, traductors automàtics, aplicacions d'extracció d'informació o resum automàtics. La...

Compute- and data-driven research encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines and is the key to Europe s global success in various scientificand economic fields. The massive amount of data produced by such technologies demands novel methods to post-process, analyze, and to reveal valuable mechanisms. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) methods is rapidly...

For Artificial Intelligence (AI) to become fully pervasive it needs resources at the edge of the network. The cloud can provide the processing power needed for big data, but edge computing is located close to where data are produced and is therefore crucial to their timely, flexible, and secure management.

AI-SPRINT will define a framework for...

Today developers lack tools that enable the development of complex workflows involving HPC simulation and modelling with data analytics (DA) and machine learning (ML). The eFlows4HPC project aims to deliver a workflow software stack and an additional set of services to enable the integration of HPC simulation and modelling with big data analytics and machinelearning in...

EuroCC Spain RES aims at creating a National Competence Center (NCC) in HPC in Spain, capable of providing a broad portfolio of HPC, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence services tailored to the needs of industry (with a special focus on SMEs), academia and public administrations.

This new Spanish NCC...

Technological advances in experimental biology provide us with an astounding amount of various molecular and clinical data describing different aspects of the functioning of the cells. These complex big data carry biomedical information that is currently hidden from us within their large sizes and complexities. Hence, some of the foremost computational challenges that the...

El projecte té com a objectiu generar els recursos lingüístics necessaris per al català, que permetin i facilitin desenvolupar aplicacions en llenguatge natural com chat bots, traductors automàtics, aplicacions d'extracció d'informació o resum automàtics. La tecnologia de la...

SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, coupled with the consolidation of a cross-disciplinary European research community, aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society. SoBigData++ is set to advance on...

TranSYS will recruit 15 ESRs to highly skilled jobs in the new area of Systems Health developing tools and approaches to exploit large and complex datasets, to advance Precision (Personalised) Medicine in several disease areas. The training programme and experience of different international research environments cuts across traditional data and life sciences silos. The...

The aim of the project is to develop a comprehensive framework for generalizing network analytics and fusion paradigms of non-negative matrix factorization to medical data. Heterogeneous, interconnected, systems-level omics data are becoming increasingly available and important in precision medicine. We are seeking to better stratify and subtype patients into risk groups,...
