
Showing 21 - 25 results of 25

The aim of PAISA is to make a leap forward in our understanding of the origin of high atmosphere particular mattaer (PM) concentrations in main urban areas in Spain and to provide comprehensive spatial and temporal estimates of the contribution from different source classes (activities and regions) to the mixtures of PM components (both primary and secondary).

Producing trustworthy interannual to decadal climate predictions constitutes a societal challenge with numerous socio-economic applications (agriculture, energy, health, water resources, insurance). Climate is, for example, one of the key factors that influences grape and wine production affecting the suitability of certain grape varieties to a particular region as well as...

ACTRIS-2 addresses the scope of integrating state-of-the-art European ground-based stations for the long term observation of aerosols, clouds and short lived gases by capitalizing on the work of FP7-ACTRIS. ACTRIS-2 aims to achieve the construction of auser-oriented RI, unique in the EU-RI landscape. ACTRIS-2 provides 4-D integrated high-quality data from near-surface to high...

The main objective of this project (MDRAF) was to describe the 3D structure of Mediterranean desert dust outbreaks and study their effects on radiation and atmospheric dynamics by means of numerical modeling (NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport model-NMMB/BSC-CTM). Moreover, the meteorological feedbacks and the forecasting accuracy of NMMB/BSCCTM when dust effects are considered were...

Climate change is heavily governed by atmospheric processes, in particular the interaction between radiation and atmospheric components (e.g., aerosols, clouds, greenhouse and trace gases). Some of these components also provoke adverse health effects that influence air quality. The EU's IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and Thematic Strategy on air pollution clearly asserts the...
