
Showing 601 - 610 results of 628

Design complexity and power density implications stopped the trend towards faster single-core processors. The current trend is to double the core count every 18 months, leading to chips with 100+ cores in 10-15 years. Developing parallel applications to harness such multicores is the key challenge for scalable computing systems.

The ENCORE project...

There is an ever-increasing demand both for new functionality and for reduced development and production costs for all kinds of Critical Real-Time Embedded (CRTE) systems (safety, mission or business critical). Moreover, new functionality demands can only be delivered by more complex software and aggressive hardware acceleration features like memory hierarchies and multi-core...

Dataflow parallelism is key to reach power efficiency, reliability, efficient parallel programmability, scalability, data bandwidth. In this project we proposed dataflow both at task level and inside the threads, to offload and manage accelerated codes, to localize the computation, for managing the fault information with appropriate protocols, to easily migrate code to the...

Data storage technology today faces many challenges, including performance inefficiencies, inadequate dependability and integrity guarantees, limited scalability, loss of confidentiality, poor resource sharing, and increased ownership and management costs. Given the importance of both direct-attached and networked storage systems for modern applications, it becomes imperative...

Coastal-zone oceanographic predictions seldom appraise the land discharge as a boundary condition. River fluxes are sometimes considered, but neglecting their 3D character, while the "distributed" continental run-off is not taken into consideration. Moreover, many coastal scale processes, particulary those relevant in geographical restricted domains (coasts with harbours or...

Storage research increasingly gains importance based on the tremendous need for storage capacity and I/O performance. Over the past years, several trends have considerably changed the design of storage systems, starting from new storage media over the widespread use of storage area networks, up to grid and cloud storage concepts. Furthermore, to achieve cost...

At the time of the project, between e-Infrastructures, ESFRI wass identified in FP7 High Performance Computing as a strategic priority for Europe. The cost of the related RI has been steadily increasing as well, in so much as, today, the most advanced computing facilities can be conceived only on trans-national or even continental basis, with a joint contribution of a number...

IS-ENES developed a virtual Earth System Modelling Resource Centre (v.E.R.C.), integrating the European Earth system models (ESMs) and their hardware, software, and data environments. The overarching goal of this e-infrastructure was to further integrate the European climate modelling community, to help the definition of a common future strategy, to ease the development of...

The main objective of HPC-Europa2 is to continue the provision of a high quality service for transnational access to the advanced HPC systems available in Europe. This activity has been available on an ongoing basis as a highly-rated and trusted service for almost two decades. The HPC-Europa2 partnership includes as Transnational Access centres CINECA (Italy), BSC (Spain),...

The European consumption of plastics increased from 24,6 Mtons in 1993 to 39,7 Mtons in 2003 and its growth rate exceeds that of the economy as a whole. At the same time, polymer recyclers and manufacturing industries have a problem buying feed materials and secondary polymers of sufficient volume and quality, as a result of the pull of China and India on all raw material...
