BSC, Premi Talent 2024 in the Technological Sovereignty category

31 January 2024

Fundació Impulsa Talentum has recognised BSC as a European benchmark in the field of supercomputing

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) has been awarded the Premi Talent 2024 prize in the Technological Sovereignty category by the Fundació Impulsa Talentum. The prize was received this Wednesday by the director of BSC, Mateo Valero, and BSC researcher Ulises Cortés, at the tenth edition of these awards, held at the Integrated Systems Europe ISE 2024 exhibition in Barcelona.

The Premis Talent 2024 Awards Committee recognised the BSC for "becoming a European benchmark in the field of supercomputing, one of the most important contributions to the country's university and research system, which is constantly being renewed and expanded, positioning it as a fundamental tool for the scientific positioning of our country".

The Premis Talent awards recognise the best practices, paths and innovative ideas of entrepreneurs, business people, organisations and companies in around thirty different sectors.