You can download all available technical research reports in PDF format sorted by area.
- A parallelization of a bioinformatic program: PHASE, Javier Vera, Computational Biology (BSC-INB).
- Molecular Dynamics simulations on MareNostrum, Jordi Camps, Computational Biology (BSC-INB).
- A Flexible and Portable Programming Model for SMP and Multi-cores, Josep M. Perez / Rosa M. Badia / Jesus Labarta, Computer Sciences (BSC-UPC).
- Fault Tolerance features in GRID superscalar, Raül Sirvent, Rosa M. Badia and Jesús Labarta, Computer Sciences (BSC-UPC).
- Exposing Inner Kernels and Block Storage for fast Parallel Dense Linear Algebra Codes, José R. Herrero, Computer Sciences (BSC-UPC).
- Accelerating the parallel distributed execution of Java HPC applications, Enric Tejedor (BSC-UPC), Rosa M. Badia (BSC), Pere Albert (IBM).
- Leveraging High-Performance In-Memory Key-Value Data Stores to Accelerate Data Intensive Tasks, Nesrine Khouzami, Jordà Polo and David Carrera, Computer Sciences (BSC).
- ELMFIRE. Installation guide and performance analysis, Miquel Català and Alejandro Soba, Computer Applications (BSC)
- GENE. Installation guide and performance analysis, Xavier Sáez and Alejandro Soba, Computer Applications (BSC)
- ELSA. Performance Analysis, Xavier Sáez and José María Cela, Computer Applications (BSC)
- CENTORI - Installation, Performance, and Enhancements, Georg Huhs (BSC)