4th call Severo Ochoa Mobility Grants


Date: 15/Sep/2014 - 15/Oct/2014 Time: 23:00

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OUTGOING MOBILITY for visits and exchange of BSC researchers to other research Institutions. The visits have to be related to the SO BSC research project objectives.

Please see the  application form for outgoing mobility for the required information and documents.


INCOMING MOBILITY for visits and exchange of researchers on collaboration related to the SO research project.

The hosting research group has to apply on behalf of their visitors for an Incoming Mobility Grant.

Please see the application form for incoming mobility for the required information and documents.

BSC-CNS has been awarded a "Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence" status.

Every year the Severo Ochoa (SO) program at BSC will provide financial support for outgoing and incoming mobility of researchers of up to a maximum of € 3000 per person. For eligibility, please see the target group information below.

The 4th call for applications for SO mobility grants closes on 15th of October 2014. Please apply by filling the relevant form.

For further details on the Severo Ochoa objectives and research opportunities at BSC-CNS please see the project webpage:



Evaluation criteria for applications:

  • Alignment with the Objectives of the Severo Ochoa Project 40%
  • Academic credentials  and research excellence of the candidate 30%
  • Impact potential for BSC, e.g. capacity to develop further collaboration and  exchange with the home institution of the visitor (incoming) /with the hosting research group (outgoing)  30%

Grant Budget Itemization:

Up to a maximum of 3000€ per person per visit out of which:

  • transport costs :
    • train and other ground transportation – tourist, second class or equivalent
    • plane – economy class or cheaper
  • contribution to the living  and accommodation allowance in accordance with the current BSC regulations, but not exceeding the overall maximum amount per person per visit including the transport costs (€3000).

Contact Us:

Inqueries about the outgoing and incomming mobility grants can be sent to: info [at] bsc [dot] es and education [at] bsc [dot] es


The “Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence" support and accreditation is a programme of the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that aims to promote excellence in scientific research in Spain.

The Severo Ochoa subprogramme seeks to boost research activities taking place in specific institutional and organizational environments in which a scientific community works closely together to achieve common objectives, facilitating interaction among its members and at the same time showing a high degree of openness to international collaboration.

It is aimed at existing centres and units that perform cutting-edge fundamental research and are among the world's best in their respective areas. The impact and international scientific leadership of these centers and units is essential for their recognition.

Further details about Severo Ochoa and the project objectives in BSC can be found at
