Among the most important activities of BSC as coordinator of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) is the organisation of seminars and workshops which aim to: promote efficient use of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources; allow sharing of the RES experience; foster cooperation by allowing researchers working on common topics to meet; and offer training to the user communities that need it. Alongside BSC, all RES nodes cooperate in the organisation of training and seminars; the geographical distribution of the nodes across Spain facilitates the participation of the wider scientific community.
Different people have different needs and so various training types of trainings and seminars are organised at BSC: Scientific Seminars, directed at specific scientific user groups in order to provide a discussion forum as well as facilitating highly beneficial sharing of experience; User Training and Seminars, aimed at current and potential users of the RES, to provide them with the training and experience that will make their use of the resources more efficient and productive; and Technical Training and Seminars, focused on training the technicians on the different nodes of the RES to improve their skills and encourage teamwork.