Showing 51 - 60 of 97
19 May 2022
Hybrid BSC RS: RISC-V Near-Memory Processing Accelerators
TrainingLocation: Hybrid: Severo Ochoa Room, Capella and via zoom. -
18 May 2022
Virtual BSC RS/ ES inDust Webinar: Variability in modelled airborne dust mineralogy
TrainingLocation: Virtual event over Zoom, with the required registration. -
13 Apr 2022
Virtual BSC RS/ ES inDust Webinar: The mysterious abundance of coarse desert dust in Earth’s atmosphere
TrainingLocation: Virtual event over Zoom, with the required registration. -
07 Apr 2022
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session: Global non-convex optimisation by Polynomial Model Based Optimisation (PMBO) for Tumor Response Models
TrainingLocation: This seminar will be held online via Zoom, with required registration. -
07 Apr 2022
Virtual BSC RS: TerraFIRMA: Future Impacts, Risks and Mitigation Actions in a changing Earth system
TrainingLocation: This seminar will be held online via Zoom, with required registration. -
16 Mar 2022
Virtual BSC RS/ ES inDust Webinar: Advances towards dust seasonal predictions
TrainingLocation: Virtual event over Zoom, with the required registration. -
03 Mar 2022
Virtual BSC RS/ Life Session: Formatting Biological Big Data to Enable (Personalized) Systems Pharmacology
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
23 Feb 2022
Hybrid BSC RS/ ES Infodengue: a platform for monitoring the transmission of climate-sensitive diseases
TrainingLocation: This seminar will take place in Hybrid format. It will be held on Capella - Videoconference Room, BSC and online via Zoom, with required registration. -
17 Feb 2022
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session/BioInfo4Women Seminar: Advanced computational approaches for understanding allele-specific biology of complex diseases
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
16 Feb 2022
Virtual BSC RS/ ES inDust Webinar: Dust in Puerto Rico overview
TrainingLocation: Virtual event over Zoom, with the required registration.