30 Sep 2021
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session: Protein structure informs functional mechanisms and the risk of disease
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
16 Sep 2021
Modelling and simulation for the interpretation of single-cell data
Location: OnlinePerMedCoE organises the session ‘Modelling and simulation for the interpretation of single-cell data’ at the CompBioMed Conference 2021, which will be held virtually on 15-17 September. Deadline for abstract submission is 28 June.
16 Sep 2021
Virtual BSC RS/ PerMedCoe Webinar: Exascale-ready cell-level simulations for European Personalised Medicine
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
16 Sep 2021
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session: Population-wide prescription trajectories, polypharmacy and drug-drug interactions
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
02 Sep 2021
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session: Using computers to understand how carbohydrates are processed in nature
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
30 Aug 2021
ACM Europe Summer School on HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications
TrainingLocation: Fully remote. Instructions of how to join will be provided to all candidates who are accepted for the summer school.The 2021 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications” will take place 30 August - 3 September, and it is hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). This edition of the school will be fully remote.
22 Jul 2021
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session: Single-cell cancer phylogenomics
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
08 Jul 2021
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session: A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to Find Active Modules in Multiplex Biological Networks (MOGAMUN) and Sex differences in genetic architecture in UK Biobank
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
05 Jul 2021
Virtual BSC RS/AI4ES: Regional ocean warming and sea level rise: an AI perspective
TrainingLocation: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration -
05 Jul 2021
On its 11th edition, the Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems + Artificial Intelligence summer school (PUMPS+AI) offers researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing and tuning applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators, with a special focus on AI.