The BSC researcher Mervi Mantsinen, selected for the European Physical Society Plasma Physics Division Board

12 January 2021
Mervi Mantsinen, ICREA Research professor and Fusion group manager at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), has been selected for the European Physical Society Plasma Physics Division Board

Mantsinen will start her tasks in the board in June 2021, together with five more newly selected members. The term of service will be four years from summer 2021 to summer 2025, renewable by mutual agreement for a second four-year term.

The BSC researcher states: “It is a honour and a recognition by many people to be selected for this position of trust, which involves taking part with an active and visible role in many top-level decisions in the field”.

About the European Physical Society 

The object of the Society is and shall be to contribute to and promote the advancement of physics, in Europe and in neighboring countries, by all suitable means and in particular by providing a forum for the discussion of subjects of common interest and by providing means whereby action can be taken on those matters which appear desirable to handle on the international level.