Minister Reyes Maroto visits the Barcelona Supercomputing Center
The EC approves two new centres of excellence for high-performance computing applications led by BSC
International contest to create AI tools that help doctors to prognosticate cancer cases
Qbeast, new spin-off of BSC that provides a cloud platform for fast data analytics
New spin-off created by BSC researchers to accelerate the development of new chemicals
BSC scientist is selected for a Helmholtz Young Investigator Group to establish her own research group in Germany
BSC participates in a study that reveals that the North Atlantic climate is highly predictable
Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, the spin-off of the UB, the BSC and the IFAE, pioneers quantum computing in Europe
BSC takes part in cross-sector Cyber-Physical Systems project for the development of large scientific astronomical instruments
BSC researchers study mobility in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic period using data from the Facebook and Google apps