The PIXIL project promotes the first transnational network to boost geothermal energy exploration and its development
Mateo Valero, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University Cristóbal Colon, in Mexico
AINA project goes on tour through Catalan-speaking territories to add voices from all dialectal variants
Minister of Science and Innovation visits BSC
The ChEESE project creates exascale-compatible services that will support geohazard risk mitigation
BSC researcher Antonio J. Peña, awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for the “HomE” project
BSC leads a project to co-develop climate services with Arctic communities
The entrepreneurial potential of BSC spin-offs, presented at the Transfiere 2022 Forum
The GCAT|Planel is the first complete genetic map of the Iberian population that helps to identify possible genetic causes of common diseases
MASTECS develops the first certification-ready multicore timing analysis solution