BSC researcher Marta Melé, awarded the L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science 2019 award
BSC takes one of top spots in the IO500’s “10-Node Challenge” at SC19
Women researchers and directives explain the latest advances in artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies used in biomedical research
BSC releases OmpSs-2 version 2019.11
BSC releases dataClay version 2.0
BSC releases COMPSs version 2.6 at SC19
BSC showcases an innovative big data project at the Smart City Expo World Congress
BSC to showcase its latest technologies @SC19
The MareNostrum will participate in the hackathon #BitsxlaMarató, to collaborate with the Marató of TV3
BSC announces the opening of a global collaboration facility to develop open computer architectures