BSC creates and makes available to the scientific community the most extensive database with genomic information on pancreatic islets, which play a key role in diabetes
DEEP-SEA: BSC drives the node-level aspects of European exascale systems
Mateo Valero receives the CPEIG Collegiate of Honor award for his world leadership in the field of supercomputing
BSC researcher Asun Lera St. Clair, member of the Citizen Assembly for Climate Expert Group
BSC inaugurates its new corporate headquarters, the BSC-REPSOL Building
European Consortium to Integrate Satellite and IoT Data to Develop Innovative Solutions for Smart Vineyard Management
The BSC triples its members linked to FusionCAT project to develop cutting-edge tools by combining High-Performance Computing (HPC) with fusion expertise.
Australian wildfires' ashes fertilised the Pacific Ocean
BSC executes, for the first time, big encrypted neural networks using Intel Optane Persistent Memory and Intel Xeon Scalable Processors
BSC participates in ADMIRE, creating intelligently adapting storage systems for data-intensive applications