The spin-off of BSC Nearby Computing obtains an investment of €2 Milion from Cellnex, Elewit and Lenovo
AINA is born, the project that will guarantee the survival of the Catalan language in the digital age
The MareNostrum supercomputer will participate in the #BitsxlaMarató hackathon, to collaborate with the Marató of TV3 dedicated to COVID-19
BSC researchers lead the European HPC resilience initiative
BSC researchers develop and validate hardware components of the De-RISC platform
"Deepmind has just shown that AI is invaluable in understanding how life works"
BSC receives the Autelsi award for its contribution to promoting new technologies
BSC’s tool to visualize the relationship between the citizens’ mobility and the risk of Covid-19 spreading
Best paper Award at SC20 for the research in which BSC researcher Simón García de Gonzalo participates
BSC releases OmpSs-2 version 2020.11