BSC, Catalonia's top research centre for Next Generation funding
BSC-led study shows that women are more likely than men to be recommended drugs that may cause harmful interactions
Mateo Valero, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Murcia
The CoEC project, coordinated by BSC, advances the demonstration of e-fuel performance using supercomputers
Aina launches the first speech solution to support the different varieties of Catalan
BSC's double proposal at the Tech&Play festival in Barcelona
BSC scientists contribute to the development of a European HPC workflow platform
Brazil and Europe sign innovative project with RISC-V technology for HPC
International team co-led by a BSC researcher discovers more than 50 new deep-sea species in one of the most unexplored areas of the planet
BSC and SimZero team up to advance industry 4.0 and smart cities with privacy-preserving, real-time scientific simulations