Bioinfo4Women - Past events
[HYBRID] BSC Auditorium and Online via Zoom
[HYBRID] BSC Auditorium and online via Zoom
[HYBRID] BSC Auditorium and online via Zoom
Speaker: Sílvia Osuna. PhD at the Institut de Química Computacional. She is currently an ICREA research professor at UdG. Recently awarded the 2022 Premio Nacional de Investigación para Jovenes investigadores Maria Teresa Toral.
Host: Víctor Guallar. Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling Group Manager. Life Sciences- Department, BSC
[HYBRID] BSC Auditorium and online via Zoom
BSC Auditorium and Zoom
Speaker: Laura Luebbert, German-Catalan Biology Ph.D. candidate at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, USA.
Host: Marta Melé, Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab Group Leader, Life Sciences, BSC
BSC Auditorium (-1 floor) and Zoom
Speaker: Núria Queralt Rosinach, Leiden University Medical Center (Amsterdam)
Host: Alfonso Valencia, Life Sciences Department Director, LS, BSC
BSC Auditorium and Zoom
Speaker: Jazmín Aguado, Biomechanics Group Senior PostDoc, CASE, BSC
Host: Mª José Rementeria, Social Link Analytics unit leader, LS, BSC
Severo Ochoa Room, Capella
Speaker: Sofia Trejo, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Recognised Researcher, Computer Sciences, BSC
Host: Atia Cortés, Social Link Analytics Recognized Researcher, Life Sciences, BSC
BSC Auditorium (-1 floor) and Zoom