Severo Ochoa Research Seminars

Tuesday, 02 May, 2023

Speaker: Sergi Alcaide, Operating System / Computer Architecture Interface Junior Research Engineer, CS, BSC
Host: Leonidas Kosmidis, Operating System / Computer Architecture Interface Senior Researcher, CS, BSC

Tuesday, 02 May, 2023

Speaker: Alex Rico, Principal AI Processor Architect at AMD
Host: Miquel Moretó, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC

Thursday, 27 April, 2023

Speaker: Frank Dignum, Professor of Socially-Aware AI at Umeå University and an Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of the Utrecht University
Host: Prof. Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS, BSC and Coordinator of the Master in Artificial Intelligence (UPC,UB,URV)

Wednesday, 26 April, 2023

Speaker: Frank Dignum, Professor of Socially-Aware AI at Umeå University and an Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of the Utrecht University
Host: Prof. Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS, BSC and Coordinator of the Master in Artificial Intelligence (UPC,UB,URV)

Friday, 21 April, 2023

Speaker: Nishil Talati, Research Faculty at University of Michigan, US
Host: Osman Unsal, Computer Architecture For Parallel Paradigms Group Manager, CS, BSC

Thursday, 20 April, 2023

Speaker: Sophie Belman, PhD candidate at the Wellcome Sanger Institute & University of Cambridge.
Host: Rachel Lowe, Global Health Resilience Leading Researcher, ES, BSC

Thursday, 20 April, 2023

Speaker: Sofia Trejo, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Recognised Researcher, Computer Sciences, BSC
Host: Atia Cortés, Social Link Analytics Recognized Researcher, Life Sciences, BSC

Thursday, 20 April, 2023

Speaker: Anna Sörensson, physicist and researcher of the Argentinean Research Council
Host: Pep Cos, PhD candidate in Earth System Services Research Group, ES, BSC

Monday, 17 April, 2023

Speaker: Mahdi Jelodari, PhD is patent holder in the area of high-level synthesis and programming language design for code acceleration on FPGAs.
Host: Osman Unsal, Computer Architecture For Parallel Paradigms Group Manager, CS, BSC

Wednesday, 12 April, 2023

Speaker: Anurag Surapaneni, Propulsion Technologies Group Junior Research Engineer, CASE, BSC
Host: Giuseppe Indelicato, Propulsion Technologies Group Recognised Researcher, CASE, BSC

