1- GENERAL INFORMATION File number: CONSER02015017NG Type of Contract: Servicios Award procedure: Negociado sin publicidad Contact: Any doubt and/or query related to this tender will be only clarified via the following e-mail: compras@bsc.es 9 - AWARDa) Award data Resolution of award date: Thursday, 26 May, 2016 Resolution of award publication date: Thursday, 26 May, 2016 Succesful tenderer: Cet Auditores, S.L. Awarded price (excluding VAT): 39.375 euros 10 - FORMALISATIONa) Formalisation data Succesful tenderer: Cet Auditores, S.L. Awarded price (excluding VAT): 39.375 euros Formalisation Resolution Date: Tuesday, 31 May, 2016