Licensable technology created by BSC

Showing 101 - 120 results of 127

The Safe Statistics Unit is an RTL digital Intellectual Property and advanced statistical unit including controllability and observability channels to enforce and validate multicore interference, and diagnose the root cause of overflows.

It could be licensed for use on commercial applications in the future. A free to use model with paid commercial support may be feasible in the future.

The Safe Traffic Injector (SafeTI) is an RTL digital Intellectual Property of an advanced traffic injector unit which allows injecting programmable traffic in AMBA AHB interconnects with high flexibility and degree of control, thus easing achieving high coverage in terms of traffic scenarios tested and mitigating the uncertainty due to the difficulties to relate software tests with actual traffic scenarios tested.

Software-only smart AI diverse redundancy. This solutions enables the execution of AI models redundantly and with diversity to mitigate the likelihood of a single fault, whether it is a random hardware fault or an AI model misprediction, to cause a failure. This solution is relevant for the use of AI software in the most safety-critical systems in, for instance, autonomous driving and unmanned vehicles. Ensures saafe AI integrtion in automotive, space and railway systems. It uniquely certifies solutions, addressing explainability,, supervision, traceability, and real-time compliance. 

Saiph is a Domain Specific Language developed at BSC for simulating physical phenomena modeled by Partial Differential Equations systems designed for users  that are not experts in numerical methods neither programming for supercomputers

Latest Version

Sargantana constitutes the third generation of Lagarto processors, the first open-source chips developed in Spain, within the framework of the DRAC project (Designing RISC-V-based Accelerators for next generation Computers) and is one of the most academically advanced open-source chips in Europe. The new Sargantana presents better performance than its two predecessors and is the first processor in the Lagarto family to break the gigahertz barrier in working frquency.

It is a 1 GHz+ In-Order RISC-V Processor with SIMD Vector Extensions in 22nm FD-SOI (RV64GV).
SAURIA (Systolic Array tensor Unit for aRtificial Intelligence Acceleration) is a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) accelerator that efficiently executes heavy computations needed for neural network algorithms, such as 2D convolutions and general matrix-matrix multiplications. The accelerator is meant to be loosely coupled to a host CPU, which must manage its local memories (fetch input data and extract results) and configure its execution through a memory-mapped interface. Once the host has prepared and started the execution, SAURIA will perform the convolution independently, and raise an interrupt upon full completion.
Scanflow, developed by Lenovo and BSC, is a scalable library designed for managing end-to-end machine learning (ML) workflows. Its primary function is to streamline the deployment, supervision, and debugging of ML processes. Leveraging Docker containers, Scanflow ensures easy deployment, portability, and reproducibility of ML workflows, while also enabling scalability through integration with cluster orchestrators. 

Latest Version

Scord is an open-source data scheduling service that orchestrates asynchronous data transfers between different storage backends in an HPC cluster.

Wind resource assesment and design for wind farm operators

Tool set for exploration, visualization and query of ontologies.

servIoTicy is a scalable IoT stream processing platform. It provides multi-tenant data stream processing capabilities, a REST API, data analytics, advanced queries and multi-protocol support in a combination of advanced data-centric services.

Software that analyzes gene expression data available in public databases such as GEO and ArrayExpress to study similarities between diseases by analyzing women and men separately. This software identifies first the sex of the samples based on the expression levels of genes on the Y chromosome, and then performs data normalization, differential expression, functional enrichment and study of similarities between diseases based on the differential expression profiles and the enriched biological processes. Software results are in turn made available for use by the scientific community.

Latest Version

SOD2D: Spectral high-Order coDe 2 solve partial Differential equations

This code implements a numerical solution for the equations governing compressible and incompressible fluid flow in three dimensions. The code is based on the spectral element method (SEM) and is designed to be used for scale-resolving simulations (LES and DNS).

Latest Version

The Sonar project defines a set of runtime libraries which instrument parallel programming models through the ovni instrumentation library.

Latest Version

SUNSET (SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and asSEssmenT suite) is a collaborative R-based tool developed in-house at BSC-ES that aims to provide climate services for sub-seasonal, seasonal and decadal climate forecast time scales. The tool post-processes climate forecast outputs by applying state-of-the-art methodologies to tailor climate products for each application and sector (e.g.: agriculture, energy, water management, or health).
Generation of cancer synthetic genomes using NEAT.
TADIL (Task-Agnostic Domain-Incremental Learning) is a joint BSC/Lenovo effort in the autonomous driving domain that incorporates Continual Learning concepts to adaptively process data from diverse urban and rural driving environments. TADIL's main objective is to create a domain-incremental detector capable of handling various real-world scenarios like changing weather, time of the day, and locations.
TADILER (Task-Agnostic Domain-Incremental Learning through Experience Replay), developed by Lenovo and BSC, is a methodology to derive AI models that employs zero-shot clustering and experience replay for domain-incremental learning. 

Latest Version

Task-aware LPF (TALPF) is an integration of Lightweight Parallel Foundations (LPF), a BSM model that uses RDMA to communicate between processes, with task-based programming models such as OmpSs-2.  The goal is to maintain the simplicity of the BSP models while making minimal changes to allow a task-based data-flow model to exploit multi-core systems. 

Latest Version

The Task-Aware MPI (TAMPI) library extends the functionality of standard MPI libraries by providing new mechanisms for improving the interoperability between parallel task-based programming models and MPI operations. The library is developed by the System Tools and Advanced Runtimes (STAR) group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
