Licensable technology created by BSC

Showing 121 - 127 results of 127

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Tenet is a Julia library to perform computations using Tensor Networks, a Mathematical tool to describe Quantum systems. The library allows large scale simulations of Quantum circuits and other systems using the Tensor Network description.

Text-mining features: NER, Normalization, Classification

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A software written in C++ that is able to perform the tensor-vector multiplication (TVM) algorithm “natively” in contrast with other state-of-the-art techniques currently employed.

The Vitruvius Vector Processing Unit (VPU), following called Vitruvius, is a RISC-V decoupled vector accelerator with lightweight out-of-order execution capabilities.

Vehave is a native functional emulator. It was born out of the need of being able to functionally test the generated vector code on top of a RISC-V Linux system. It’s a dynamic library that implements a trap-based emulator for the RISC-V Vector Extension. It is useful to obtain trace-level information for analysis and modelling.

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A vignette which provides an example of code written in R that can be used to calibrate seasonal forecasts using several calibration methods. For each calibration method, different skill scores are calculated, compared to the ones obtained by using a non-calibrated forecast and finally displayed.

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Bounding box analysis for the extraction of visual relationships between objects detected in an image. With original algorithms developed exclusively in Python 3, we extract visual relationship information from the geometry and graphical distribution of bounding boxes in imagery.  
