Licensable technology created by BSC

Showing 21 - 40 results of 40
PARSECSs is a suite of benchmark applications for parallel architectures.  PARSECSs expands the original PARSEC suite with task-based implementations using the OmpSs and/or OpenMP 4.0 programming models.  The implementation make use of concepts such as task-parallelism and dataflow relations to achieve maximum performance and offer a diverse set of applications from a wide range of domains.  It is designed to use broad concepts of task-parallelism in order to make porting to any generic task-based model easy, and offer important insight to the HPC community in regards to the efficiency and programmability of such models.

PETGEM is an HPC python code for the simulation of electromagnetic fields in real 3D CSEM/MT FM that arise in the geophysics context.


The PMES Framework allows users to execute jobs in the cloud.

pyDock is a fast protocol which uses electrostatics and desolvation energy to score docking poses generated with FFT-based algorithms.

Highly scalable multidimensional indexing system for NoSQL databases.

RESTK is an implementation of the algorithm to upper-bound extremely high quantiles using Markov's inequality to the power-of-k for probabilistic WCET.

Further details can be found in this publication:

RESTK is an implementation of the algorithm to upper-bound extremely high quantiles using Markov's inequality to the power-of-k for probabilistic WCET.

Further details can be found in this publication:

Saiph is a Domain Specific Language developed at BSC for simulating physical phenomena modeled by Partial Differential Equations systems designed for users  that are not experts in numerical methods neither programming for supercomputers

Version 1.0

Seismic Shake-e is a user friendly application that contributes to increase the efforts to communicate the valuable existing knowledge about earthquake engineering and seismic resilience. 

Seismic Shake-e was one of the winner apps of the EOVALUE: Call for Innovative Apps in the environmental and social domains (2019). 

Seismograms Analyzer-e (SA-e) is a software to process and analyze seismic records. SA-e is a standalone software that works on the operative system Windows 7 or higher.

servIoTicy is a scalable IoT stream processing platform. It provides multi-tenant data stream processing capabilities, a REST API, data analytics, advanced queries and multi-protocol support in a combination of advanced data-centric services.

Tiramisu is a data analytics tool for processing, transforming and exploiting data embeddings obtained through deep learning models.

Cavatools is an open source software to help you design custom RISC-V instruction set extensions and evaluate performance and energy impact on real applications. 

Volcanic ash dispersal modelling

GekkoFS is a file system capable of aggregating the local I/O capacity and performance of each compute node in a HPC cluster to produce a high-performance storage space that can be accessed in a distributed manner. 

JACC is a Just In Time (JIT) OpenACC framework in which pragma directives are replaced with runtime routines, allowing further analysis and optimization possibilities at runtime compared to at compile time for the OpenACC programming model.

Pandora is a framework designed to create, execute and analyse agent-based models in high-performance computing environments. It has been programmed to allow the execution of large-scale agent-based simulations, and it is capable of dealing with thousands of agents developing complex actions. The users can choose to develop their code in Python (for fast prototyping) or C++ (complex models). Interfaces of both versions are identical, and share the same C++ base code (assuring compatibility and efficiency).

s2dverification (seasonal to decadal verification) is an R framework that aids in the analysis of forecasts from the data retrieval stage, through computation of statistics and skill scores against observations, to visualisation of data and results. While some of its components are only targeted to verification of seasonal to decadal climate forecasts, it provides tools that can be useful for verification of forecasts in any field.

Find out more in the overview below, on the wiki page or on the CRAN website.
You can also sign up to the s2dverification mailing list by sending a message with the subject "subscribe" to if you want to keep abreast of internal discussons or latest development releases.

Slurm Simulator v17

Having a precise and a fast job scheduler model that resembles the real-machine job scheduling software behavior is extremely important in the field of job scheduling. The idea behind Slurm simulator is preserving the original code of the core SLURM functions while allowing for all the advantages of a simulator. Since 2011, Slurm simulator has passed through several iterations of improvements in different research centers. We took last available version's code and we fixed various issues, we improved the simulator's performance of about 2.6 times, made it deterministic across several same set-up runs, and improved the its accuracy.

The Vitruvius Vector Processing Unit (VPU), following called Vitruvius, is a RISC-V decoupled vector accelerator with lightweight out-of-order execution capabilities.


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