
Showing 161 - 170 results of 569

Our team explores the programming approaches for homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures, including the use of accelerators and distributed clusters. We propose the OmpSs programming model, a task-based approach. OmpSs seeks to improve programmability of applications in such environments, without sacrificing performance. We actively participate in the OpenMP standard...


The Atmospheric Composition group (AC) of the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona SupercomputingCenter(BSC) aims  at better...

This group is recently formed and organized in two teams, driven by leading experts in the fields of accelerator and memories for high-performance computing. Since 2017, the group members have publised 40+ peer-reviewed indexed articles, and have gained a Juan de la Cierva Felloswhip, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, a Ramón y Cajal currently in place,...

The Climate Variability and Change Group performs fundamental research to further our

El projecte El Català i la IA (ECIA) té com objectiu generar els recursos lingüístics necessaris per al català, que permetin i facilitin desenvolupar aplicacions en llenguatge natural com chat bots, traductors automàtics, aplicacions d'extracció d'informació o resum automàtics. La tecnologia de la llengua...

CAMS provides daily analysis and forecasts, as well asreanalysis products. CAMS has a global service, implemented by ECMWF, and a regional air qualityservice implemented by the CAMS2_40 consortium. The CAMS2_82 ITT is asking for a detailed aposteriori evaluation of the global service components and products for the period 2021-2025.The contract below is the response to this...

Advancing education and training in High Performance Computing (HPC) and its applicability to HPDA and AI is essential forstrengthening the world-class European HPC ecosystem. It is of primary importance to ensure the digital transformation and thesustainability of high-priority economic sectors. Missing educated and skilled professionals in HPC/HPDA/AI could prevent...

Public procurement has a tremendous impact on the EU economy, representing more than 14% of the EU GDP. This project aims to re-use and harmonize massive amounts of open public procurement data available at the EU Data Portal, the Tender Electronic Daily (TED), in combination with open public procurement datasets from Member States (MSs) portals that contain additional sets...
