El principal objectiu de la xarxa per a la supercomputació X4HPC és el de gestionar i cohesionar l ecosistema de centres de recerca, empreses i institucions que tenen com a denominador comú el desenvolupament de solucions tecnològiques en base a la supercomputació.
La X4HPC també té per objectiu el de...
Telecommunications and computer vision have evolved as separate scientific areas. This is envisioned to change with the advent of wireless communications with radios operating in the millimetre-wave frequencies and up to the sub-THz, characterised by line-of-sight operating ranges, which could benefit from visual data to accurately predict the wireless channel dynamics such...
REBECCA, a heavily SME-driven project, will democratize the development of novel edge AI systems. Towards this aim, REBECCA will develop a purely European complete Hardware (HW) and Software (SW) stack around a RISC-V CPU, which will provide significantly higher levels of a) performance (e.g., inferences per second), b) energy/power efficiency (e.g., inferences per...
Cold air outbreaks are typical of the mid-latitude climate during the cold season. Their relevance relies on the threat to life caused by the long-lasting periods with abnormally low temperatures, the potential of damage to crops, and the occurrence of high-impact weather events such as heavy snow and low visibility during blizzards.
Previous studies...
Europe is staying behind in a world where the capabilities to develop new technological applications form a new pillar of international interaction strategies. Thus, critical hardware solutions for European industrial production depend on imports from Asia and the US, where significant investments in open-source technologies have...
El projecte té com a objectiu l execució i la millora dels sistemes de qualitat de l aire CALIOPE, per a oferir el pronòstic horari a 24 h i 48 h de NO2, O3 i PM10 a Catalunya (1 km x 1 km), i CALIOPE-Urban per a ampliar la cobertura espacial del pronòstic horari de NO2 a altres municipis fora de Barcelona (entre 20 m x 20 m i 100 m x 100 m).L...
Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs) are a heterogeneous group of >100 different rare diseases, which share the fate of progressive scarring and, ultimately, death. Two anti-fibrotic drugs have demonstrated to slow-down fibrotic progression and steroids/immunosuppressants are commonly used for inflammatory-driven ILDs. However, patient's response to therapeutic options is...
El programa tiene por objetivo contribuir a situar Barcelona en el epicentro europeo de la discusión sobre el impacto de la ciencia y la tecnología en la sociedad, y contribuir a la reflexión alrededor de los principios de la Agenda 2030 de sostenibilidad. Las posibilidades que ofrece la ciudad son muy singulares, en particular por la alta densidad de...
AINA vol desenvolupar la infraestructura necessària per què la inclusió del català a les aplicacions d'IA sigui prou atractiva i viable, tant per a les grans companyies...
NEL-AINA se enmarca dentro del Proyecto Estratégico para la Recuperación y Transformación Económica (PERTE) de la Nueva Economía de la Lengua que tiene por objeto impulsar en España la nueva economía digital basada en el lenguaje natural, aprovechando el potencial del español y de las lenguas cooficiales como factor de...